Hire Professional Bagpiper For Memorial Services | Eternal Valley Newhall

Bagpiper Newhall | Santa Clarita. For decades Harry Farrar has performed at graveside and chapel services at Eternal Valley Cemetery. This historical land is located in the Santa Clarita Valley. Also, there is a history to the property. Originally the land was for stage coach route management.
History Of Eternal Valley Lands | Before Bagpipers
In 1769 Spanish padres sent out by Father Junipero Serra recommended this property as a mission site. It became instead a farm and ranch for the San Fernando Mission. A stage coach stop called Lyons Station, was established here in 1854 & by the end of the Civil War. Iternments made the beginning of this cemetery. In 1888 when the property was acquired by Henry Clay Needham. Then, it was called “Needham family Homestead”.

As a Bagpiper for Newhall and Santa Clarita, Harry performs several times a year. Additionally, the cemetery has a spectacular view of the SCV. The military section is outstanding. Also, Honor Guards often join in funeral services. Canyon Country is right there near Newhall

Famous 1980's Kid's Song's Bagpiper Video | Harry Farrar & Family To Be!
In the early 1980’s Harry Farrar was a bagpiper performer with his future wife Amanda Farrar on the well known classic Kid’s Songs Video Collection. This was ” If I could teach the world to sing“ . This was filmed at Santa Clarita Studios. And, all these places are near Newhall, and Canyon Country.

Scottish Bagpipes | Food & Drink In Town | Newhall
Bagpiper Newhall | Santa Clarita. Besides solemn events at Eternal Valley Cemetery, there are some places to enjoy bagpipes on occasions like St. Patrick’s Day. Maginn’s Pub is one place, And, another is the Rose & Crown Pub. Call Harry at (818) 716-7522 for details. Also, Bag pipes are great for surprise parties!

Bag Pipers or "Bagpipe Players" Are Fun For Pubs & Parties
Surprisingly, the bagpiper and a “Singing Telegram” have a lot in common. As a result, adding a bagpiper at just the right time can pump up the volume at a birthday party. Also, a themed corporate event gets a boost from a couple of bagpipers and drummers. St. Patrick’s Day is a crowded time for the bagpipe players. Party planners- consider booking early. Because, most of the good and talented bagpipers are hired annually. Also, think ahead for New Year’s Eve and summer weddings. Some of the best weather weddings happen in Southern California. Especially, in Los Angeles and Ventura counties. Since the temperature is so ideal for most of the year, outdoor bagpiping is a nice touch. Music fills the air. Also the climate in the Santa Clarita Valley is well know nation wide. Bagpiper Newhall | Santa Clarita.